Thursday, August 14, 2014

June 27th-29th

It was my last weekend in Seattle, so i wanted to do something fun with everyone. That Friday Katie had invited Nick and me out for karaoke; we got Pho before hand with Scott, Christian, and a friend of Christian's, who's name i can't remember, but she was French and spent a lot of time in Portugal. She was very nice and very funny and had really good English. I had been spending every second i could with Nick, but it was nice to get together and have so fun with Katie and her friends, who had become my friends at this point too!
This artist had a spot at this gallery and  i love his work so much. Every few weeks they would put up a different work by him. Something about the colors and patterns really captivated me. 

Pre-gaming my night out on the town

The ONE picture i took at Karaoke: a blurry Katie and the back side of Christian 
After pho we met at the Karaoke bar, which was in Capitol Hill, so it was full of interesting people. We drank some beers and put our names in for karaoke. Nick sang "wouldn't it be nice" by the Beach Boys, and that song by The Cars "Just what i Needed", Christian sang "All By Myself" by Celine Dion, i can't remember what Katie sang!!, Scott refused to sing, and i sang "House of the Rising Sun" and maybe something else but it was probably horrible. We had so much fun, singing and dancing and drinking and hanging out. I really miss all of them. They are wonderful people and really great company. Katie is such an amazing human being, so of course her friends are all really great too. I'm so incredibly grateful i was able to meet them. 

The window display for a paper and printing shop

The next day, Nick and i walked down to Pioneer Square. We got lunch at Tat's, a really great, really well known, sandwich shop. I could not make up my mind for the life of me. I got something with meat? and Nick got something chicken ranch. They were both really delicious.

My something with meats?

Nick's something bacon ranch chicken

He looks happy c:

 After our late lunch, we went to the Underground Tour. It's a tour of the history of Seattle and how it got to be what it is today. It was a really amazing tour and i definitely recommend anyone to go participate in it.

An old bathroom

looking up through skylights, standing on the old sidewalk, staring at the new sidewalk.

Ferns grow like weeds here

One of the skylights not in use

 After the tour*, we went to this giant two story toy shop across the street. They ad the biggest and best puzzle collection i had ever seen. I wanted to buy like 20 puzzles! (if you didn't know, i love puzzles. So much) We spent way to long in the toy shop, and i started feeling nauseous from the recycled air, so we went home. Along the way i looked into some store windows that had some really great little ceramic doodads and nicknacks.

LOVE the porcelain flower, and the design on the cups!

and then there was this hippo with kittens on it's back

We spent the rest of the night hanging out in the hotel, watching adventure time and just trying to get the most out of the rest of our time together. I was leaving July 2nd, that Wednesday, and i was going to miss him more than the world. 

So there was this heinous painting on the wall at the hotel so i decided to draw on it but without ruining it. so i put masking tape and drew over the masking tape. I drew a little sea otter and a polar bear as i had seen them in the painting, like looking for things in the clouds. 

Seeing as how it was my last Sunday in Seattle, Nick took me out to dinner. I had been cutting his hair with my giant sewing scissors in the bathroom, and he had his new glasses. He was looking real charming. We went to the same restaurant he had taken me out to when we first had dinner, Dragonfish Asian Cuisine. We got hot sake, which was half off that night, and some rolls. It was really good.

I mean, for never cutting someone's hair before, it wasn't That bad, right? haha but he's such a cutie his face distracts from it anyway.

And me, talking about something stupid. 

*The Seattle Underground Tour Website
and a little wikipedia knowledge

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